janus3D toolbox

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janus3D is an open source MATLAB toolbox for the purpose of EEG electrode determination and co-registration of 3D head models with individual structural MR images. It features smart selection and automatic texture-based EEG electrode detection, providing highly accurate EEG sensor positions for source reconstruction analyses. It makes use of GUI-based functions allowing the user to obtain sensor positions fast and comfortable. To enhance the actual 3D reconstruction process a tool for automatic background selection and mask creation is included. Electrode cap templates of EEG cap systems that are not included can be created using the implemented ’Template Builder’. This tool allows the creation of individual cap templates that are used for automatic labeling of the EEG electrode positions. janus3D requires MATLAB 2015a (MathWorks), including Image Processing Toolbox (MathWorks), Computer Vision System Toolbox (MathWorks), and Fieltrip Toolbox (Oostenveld, Fries, Maris, & Schoffelen, 2011).

To install janus3D add the janus3D folder containing all functions to your MATLAB search path.


1) start the program by typing 'j3d', 'janus' or 'janus3D' into your MATLAB command line. janus3D Main GUI

2) load .obj and .nifti files janus3D loading files

3) rotate the model into MRI space janus3D rotation into MRI space

4) select facial parts of the model janus3D face selection of the model

5) select facial parts of the MRI janus3D face selection of the MRI

6) register model to MRI janus3D automatic co-registration

7) correct registration if necessary janus3D correct alignment manually

8) select electrodes either manually... janus3D manual electrode selection

9) or automatically by defining a template electrode janus3D automatic electrode selection template selection janus3D automatic electrode selection

10) get electrode labels automatically based on a previously set template janus3D automatic labeling

11) plot final results janus3D final results

More detailed information on how to use janus3D, can be found in the janus3D users manual.